Mickey Ryan

Mickey Ryan        

Just as we arrived back into Sri Lanka after gallivanting about the Philippines, we received the much anticipated telephone call that our son Brett's wife, Michelle, was in labour. All during our Philippines trip, we never ventured far from the phone or the internet (except while deep underwater) as Michelle's due date was past.

After a very speedy delivery, our fourth grandchild was born; all 8 lbs 3 oz of him and he is absolutely perfect in every way. He has already learned to Skype, wriggling and squeezing his tiny fingers for us from his home in Calgary. He blinked and stayed awake for us during his entire Skype call. His Dad took off his booties and exposed his long toes and big feet to us all in Sri Lanka (Grandpa Bill, Auntie Lisa and Grandma Nordick). We are thrilled and mom, baby and dad are all adjusting as best as can be expected ... sans sleep.

Two more grands are on the way. It is hard to be so far away.


  1. Yea! Congrats. Shall I try to smuggle him over when I come?


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