
We are struggling here. Emotionally, we are ready to come home. We are often tearful, easily emotional, feel deeply sad or just go through the days just plain flat. We work hard to keep up our spirits with exercise, sleep and good food. We buoy each other up but have frequent crashes as we are often both low at the same time. It is painful to be having new grandchildren and not be there to witness the growing bellies of the pregnant moms, share the anticipation of the labour and the delirious joy of the birth of a new and precious family member.
Family at my parent's 60th wedding anniversary
We miss big things like our treasured family and our great friends. We miss our great kids and their spouses very much and our sweet loving grandchildren even more. I miss my good mom. I miss my four sisters and my three brothers and my numerous and talented nieces and nephews. We miss our pals who play with us; hiking, golfing, cycling.

Hiking with pals
We miss little things like going to the Keg for a great steak and jumping in our little Miata and taking a Sunday car ride. We miss a movie at the theatre. We miss going out to Earls with our friends and our mouths water for Hu Nan Gung Pow and dry garlic ribs. We miss hosting and being hosted at dinner parties and family gatherings. We miss playing whist and Oh Poopy Darn cards whilst crunching Lays potato chips. Bill misses his weekly and intense bridge match with his three legal beagle friends. We miss the beauty and bleakness of Lac du Bois and we miss the joy of family gatherings at Kamloops Lake.

Emotionally, we are ready to come home. Intellectually, ethically and morally, we have a job to do here that is not finished. We made a commitment and we will see it through. The work is very hard in many ways and for many reasons. Two years away from home is much harder than we ever dreamed. Although time is going fast, daily life feels really hard at times.
Bill wanted me to add, "But we wouldn't have missed this for the world." It is true, but I don't feel like that right now.


  1. Dear Bill & Wendy,
    Just think how sweet it will be when you return home!!
    I think there is more than me that is living vicariously through your adventure. In my eyes you are both very brave. Many of us only dream of doing what you are doing. You are making a difference in a lot of peoples lives. How proud you must be that you have the knowledge to do this. I am sure the people you have touched during your stay in Sri Lanka are very appreciative!
    Randy and I think of you both often. Be strong!! You will be home before you know it!
    Love & Hugs...
    Lorelee & Randy


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