Nobody's Bitch

Today, a miracle happened. I strapped on my helmut, straddled my bike, revved the engine and it happened. Everything meshed! Brakes, shifting, shoulder checking, clutching and lane positioning. I passed my motorcycle exam! I have a class 5/6 Driver's License. I'll be nobody's bitch.

I also think I must be like St. Francis of Assisi or Dr. Doolittle. I attract animals in strange places. Today, as I was crossing the street on my motorbike during my traffic exam, there was, at the corner of Summit and Columbia, a huge, huge buck crossing the street, over to White Spot for some lunch. His horns were felted and he looked hungry and scared. This was the second animal I saw walking the streets of Kamloops.

The first incident occurred while I was taking my motorbike training. Stopped at Seymour and 6th for a traffic light, a Canada Goose with her eight tiny goslings crossed the road, heading to Riverside Park for a swim.

I hope I don't lose my hair like St. Francis, but these days, Bill and I feel a bit like Dr. Doolittle's Push me Pull You; Go to Sri Lanka, ok, don't go. Go. No, not yet. We await news from the High Commission of Canada in Sri Lanka and our VSO placement officer. Keep you posted.


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