Grounded again?

Well, it appears we may be delayed... again! We received a notice from the program office in Sri Lanka that "changes in the ministerial offices" are delaying a sponsor letter needed in order to process our visas. Visa application for Sri Lanka requires us to send our passports to their Visa office, they are then approved, our passports stamped for entry and then returned to the passport holder.


Well, with only three weeks until departure, you can figure, that even with Purolator and Fed-Ex type courier services, there isn't much time to transport passports around the world and back before July 1. We have been anxious about this part for some time, but with the program office reassuring us that there was plenty of time, we still believed we'd get out this time, on time. However, they too are starting to get pretty anxious and are preparing us for another delay. How long, nobody seems to know at this point.

Bill has become a compulsive email checker. I have threatened to take away his computer. I am merely avoidant and eat Rice Works Chili Chips. Different compulsions, same motivation. Good thing Bill hasn't threatened to take away my chili chips. He'd likely lose an arm.


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