Espanol Lecciones

Nosotros estudiamos espanol es terminal.  Nosotros estudiamos espanol en Santa Marta, Colombia for dos semanas.   Nostoros hablamous en present tense seulemente.

Our lessons were really quite wonderful. Our teacher, Elsa was an excellent teacher and was always well prepared for her lessons with us. We sat each morming at her table on her leafy patio, where the breeze blew in to soften the heat of the day as we conjugated verbos.  We learned so much from her. Her husband, Sven, a man from Sweden, often popped in to teach some difficult concepts such as how mucho means so much more than to like.

For instance, in English, we say, I like the plants. The person speaking is the object.   In espanol, you are really saying, the plants give me pleasure.  It changes who the object of the sentence is.  The plants are the object.  Es muy interesante.

We can actually carry on a simple conversation in Spanish, although it seems very easy to regress to nouns and pointing to make ourselves understood. Our pronunciation is so poor, nobody really knows what we are saying anyway.

Language study es muy dificil, pero,  we keep trying. Bill is always a more reluctant student, but he is good at it.  His pronunciation is way better than mine and while I get concepts more quickly, he shines in the detail that I overlook. He is a good study buddy.

We are off to Ciudad Perdida, the "lost city of Perdida" on Monday. It was only discovered in about 1975.  It is a five day trek into the jungle and up a mountain, so we have been walking each and every day for about an hour at a time to make sure we are acclimatized.  We are really looking forward to leaving behind the intellectual and being more physical.

Although, nothing could be more physical than trying to keep cool in the sauna that is our bedroom.  We have to keep sheets over us to ward off the invading mosquitos that voraciously hover ... until a finger or toe emerges from under the sheet and then, they move in a horde, for the feast.  We awaken drenched and smelling of vinegar.

La noche, we are off to Rododero (a neighbouring community) with Elsa and Sven to see Carnival (Lenten Celebration) and to see the sunset.

PS  Best carrots in the world!


  1. Muy bien!! Voy a hablar espanol en 2 dias! Hay mucho nieve aqui en Kamloops, estoy muy feliz para nuestro viaje a Cancun!

    Hope you continue to have a great adventure, cuidarse mucho!



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