Itty Bitty Blair

You may not know this, but when Bill was a child, his nickname was Itty Bitty Blair. Despite his age (or due to his age), this moniker again applies to him.

We are now in Colombo. We will be here about one more week before heading up to Jaffna. Colombo is hot, hot, hot, despite the daily rains of monsoon season. However, my husband still finds it cold. Itty Bitty Blair now is packing a blankie with him.

I wake up sweating under a thin sheet while he is up, turning the ceiling fan off and pulling a blanket up over him. No wonder he was suffering in the cold and damp of Nuwara Eliya. I empathize with him, because I spend the first fifty years of my life freezing all the time. Just the same, Blankie Bill has received two strict ordinances from me, "Touch that ceiling fan on pain of death" and "Don't even think of letting that blanket touch me."


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