Easy Rider

Sunday is usually our day of exploration.  Today, we donned our motorcycle helmets, filled the rucksack with nuts, oranges and water and head out over the causeway to explore a little village called Uppavalladi.   We parked our bike under a palmyrah tree at the entrance to a little graveyard, and for the first and only time, took precautions to secure our motorcycle helmets against theft.

After a long walk that meandered through the dusty but lively village, we sat on a grassy knoll over- looking the shallow grey blue lagoon munching out lunch.  We guzzled some water and then lazily stretched out on the grass for a cat nap.  Refreshed, we arose making a loop back into the village. We arrived back at the disheveled grave site to don our helmets and ride back to town.

Bill's helmet was gone! Stolen.  Mine still dangled from the string we had used to secure the helmets.  Aw well, in a month, we were leaving the helmet behind anyway.  So, with no other alternative, we hopped onto the bike for the 30 minute drive back home along the causeway.  A police man wagged his finger at Bill as we passed, but we didn't get stopped. 

I rode as the passenger.  Suddenly, I was taken by surprise by that head shaking thing again.  Hair straight back, Easy Riding Willie was moving his head to catch the wind ... free as a bird ... unencumbered ... breeze flowing through lengthy blonde locks ... young ... restless ... wild ... smile upon his face. 

I craned my camera so you could all have a look.


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