I’d like to have it documented

July 6, 2012

Dear Chief Saman Sigera
Headquarters Inspector

File Number: CIB 2/40/65

On June 6, 2012, I made a complaint to the Jaffna police department regarding a man on a push bike who made lewd gestures about my breast, followed me into my lane and then tried to grab my breast. I was well treated by the attending officer and yourself.

Today, at about 1:15 pm and approximately the same time as the last incident, a man on a push bike passed me as I rode my bike along Colombothurai Rd. He then rode very slowly in front of me causing me to pass him. He followed me along Colombothurai Rd and then followed me onto Vidhans Lane. He then sped up and as he passed me, he ran his hand up along my entire back, from buttocks to shoulder. I swore at him and he cycled past me, but continued to make hand gestures as if he was still stroking my back. He continued on down the lane and I quickly cycled home.

I am pretty convinced it was the same man. He was in his early 20's, had on an orange and black striped shirt, had black pants, rode a Lumina bike and again, did not speak and was not particularly threatened or worried about my shouting at him
I doubt there is any way he has been watching for me, as my routine is too varied. I don't always go home for lunch, I am often on my motorcycle and if I do go home for lunch, it is anywhere between noon and about 1:30pm. I believe he is merely opportunistic.

I do not expect the police to do anything at this time, but I do want it documented for two reasons. First, this man is in the Chundikuli neighbourhood and that there are many young girls in and around the area including Chundikuli Girls School and that this is the second incident. I also believe I saw him coming out of Vidhans Lane once last week. Secondly, in the event there is a further incident of this nature, I want this documented as evidence of his behaviour. Thank you very much for your consideration of this matter.

Dr. Wendy Nordick


  1. Wendy! This sucks. You are doing the right thing but it must be so unsettling. I wish you much safety, as well as the girls in the neighbourhood, until this man is reprimanded.


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