Snip Snip
Judge got snipped. We had to have her snipped as she was behaving like a tart. We thought we were being responsible and proactive by booking an appointment for her to be spayed on June 4th. However, we had to make an emergency date with the vet due to her concerning behaviour.

Tail aloft, Judge played coquettishly with Tom, running toward him, back arched and tail fluffed and then, the sassy one flounced away from him like a little tease.
I made an emergency call to her vet. Preventatively, she was caged in the spare room overnight, she had to fast from food and water in preparation for surgery and Bill took her out to the vet in a trishaw yesterday morning. She returned home groggy, shaved and slit up but doing well today. She is now safe from every Tom ... and Dick and Harry. Whew.
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