Whole Village Concept
village temple cart at Point Pedro We have met a man who lives in Jaffna and works for a Swiss NGO. This NGO has been largely involved with housing projects beginning after the tsunami, but also ongoing for those internally displaced people (IDP), displaced due to the civil war conflict. Anyway, he offered to take us out to one of his housing projects, so the next time we met up with him, I called in the offer. He picked us up in his Land Rover and off we went on a very educational tour. Through lessons learned by their tsunami projects, the NGO has now adopted a Whole Village Concept to housing. This process begins with identification of those in need of housing. This is not done by income, as there is little reliable documentation on income. Therefore, people who request relocation and/or who are identified as needing relocation are offered an opportunity to resettle elsewhere. This is a very difficult decision for Sri Lankan people as their “ancient village” gama (Sin...