Flight of the Bats
Each evening, as the dusk gathers, the thousands of bats which hang during the day from trees in St. John's Old Park, respond to their ancient calling and begin to stir. Their sonar sounds can be heard from a distance as they take wing in search of mosquitoes, flies and fruit. If you are in the right place, and look up, you at first mistakenly believe it is a flock of geese flying south in preparation for winter. But these giant creatures are bats, not birds.
These bats are huge! They are the size of a raven and at first glance, you just think it is a crow, but then, you see the shape of the wing – scalloped. You see the brown of the breast. You smell the smell. Bats! They are amazing to watch as they dangle in the trees. Yes, we had rabies shots.
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