Winds of Change
The winds of Hill Country are something we have never experienced. High winds of about 40-50 miles an hour blow all day and night. Mats tucked against the space under our door get blown half way across the living room floor. Wind whistles outside in and around the windows, making uncanny animal like sounds. The wind chill factor drops the temperature 5 degrees.
However, the wind is blowing change for Bill and me. Initially, our placement here in Nuwara Eliya was for six months only. I was "on loan" to this district until the visa situation changed and I was allowed into Jaffna. As the work progressed, I agreed to stay on until November to ensure that the work I began was completed and showed promise of sustainability. In August, we renewed our housing contract until the end of October. So, the plan was to move me to Jaffna as that area is finally opening up. Locals are able to drive to Jaffna now as the road blockade has been removed. That blockade has been in place for nearly 10 years. Visas are being approved. NGO's are moving about more freely.
However, there is a possibility of another job that has offered itself. Sri Wardenapura University in Colombo has been working in partnership with government and VSO since 2007 developing a post baccalaureate diploma program in social work. There are only 8 social workers in the country and due to red tape, the social work programs haven't been able to get off the ground, thus the dire shortage of social workers.
However, I was invited to a meeting last week in Colombo and the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education are approving that the program proceed. However, the university needs assistance with curriculum development that meets international standards and for someone to teach the core social work courses. They hope to begin classes in March 2012, which is ambitious, given that the curriculum isn't in place as yet. Anyway, I have agreed to assist temporarily to identify the core course work necessary. I am the only social worker with a masters and PhD in the country. As a result, this project is being considered for me by VSO and may well be offered as an alternative to Jaffna. I have no strong feelings either way. Both will be awesome use of my skill set. Both are in warm climes.
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