La toilette

The use of toilet paper here is a big no no. Sewer systems and indoor plumbing are just coming into vogue in direct relationship to the upward economic mobility of the country. Most of the homes in our region still use outhouses attached to the house or out back of the property, like we did in Canada years ago. While plumbing might now be in a home or restaurant, the plumbing is not always working so well. So, those homes and restaurants that do offer indoor plumbing are quite strict about the use of paper products in the toilet.

When I say they are strict, I mean:

  1. There is no toilet paper provided in the restaurants, at the hospital or in people's homes
  2. There is a spray nozzle that looks like a garden hose with a nozzle attached to every bathroom toilet. You are invited to use this if you wish to clean up.

Now, I have not had luck with the spray nozzle. Firstly, I have to hover over the toilet (if there is a toilet) to avoid contact with germs. Secondly, and most often, there is not usually a real toilet anyway, but rather a keyhole shaped hole in the ground (squat toilet). Thirdly, I am usually wearing shorts or slacks which do not leave the entire bottom free for hosing. My few attempts to hose myself have resulted in a severe wetting of my pants and a less then thoroughly clean job of the bottom. Besides all that, I still have to emerge from the bathroom with my dignity intact when it looks like I have messed myself. No thanks. I carry easy starting Purex for those rare occasions when the urge hits me away from home. At home, I genteelly deposit my, shall we say, soiled, toilet paper in the waste paper basket. Then, this bag of goodies goes to the ballad at the dustbin.

My husband, on the other hand claims to be quite handy with the hose. He suggests he likes the fresh water method better. He believes himself to be cleaner and is smug about being environmentally friendly by not depositing needless paper into the environment. However, I have not personally witnessed his cleaning process. Also, he refuses to give me hosing lessons.


  1. Ah come on Bill give her a lesson, for that matter an informative instructional You tube video would surely be a hit. Maybe even viral.

    Rob MacDonald


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