Bill wears Prada

I am beginning to wonder about my husband. He now wears a skirt. I have to own that I did purchase his skirt for him. I purchased it thinking that wearing one here in Sri Lanka was a bit of a novelty. Men in Sri Lanka wear skirts – sarongs, actually. So, for his birthday in February, another VSO volunteer, a lovely psychologist from London, went shopping with me for a sarong for Bill. The sarong is lovely; teal blue with batiking as a border print. What I did not count on was his sheer joy in wearing his skirt; comfortable, easy to tie and it looks good with his sandals. He likes it and certainly gets a lot of female attention wearing his skirt. I became uneasy but resigned myself to the fact that my man was now into skirts and that I had only myself to blame.

However, last week, we took a tiny holiday to Thailand to meet up with some of our friends, fellow travelers and fellow scuba divers from the Kamloops Ocean Pacific Dive Club. On this trip in the busy beach shops of Phuket town, Bill and I shopped for needed beach attire. In one small shop, Bill spotted a necessary purchase. A brown leather Prada Murse!

Instantly, he donned the murse, slinging it across his shoulder and settling the bag on his opposite hip. He strutted back and forth in front of the mirror, examining the effect. For an instant, he worried that he might look too feminine with a murse strung over his shoulder and that other guys might tease him. This fleeting thought was quickly overruled by his desire for the murse and thus, he promptly handed over his Thai Bahts.

Now, he struts about finding new things to place into the correct pouch or compartment in murse; "Oh, I must have a little notebook to put in there in case I need to make notes about something"; "I should put my sunglasses in my murse"; "Good thing I have a murse to put my keys into now"; "Gee, I am glad that the murse can hold my book"; "I think I will store my passports in this little compartment; " Is there a pen around to put here , in this pen slot?"
I can only blame myself for the skirt and am grateful that he isn't stuffing all that stuff in MY purse, but I do feel somewhat concerned when he preens and wears the sarong and the murse around the house. I hid my lipstick.

See 2 photos below


  1. I am not seeing any photos on my computer! I must see pictures!

    Why am I the only one commenting here? :)I do have a life :)

  2. nice Bill, I can tell Wendy's just jealous!

  3. Oh jeez. I cannot wait to see how this new look goes over once you bring it back to Kamloops!
    Do you have the option of hiking that thing up if you're feeling particularly bold, or hot?


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