My hair was quite short before leaving Canada. I figured with a warm climate and having to wear a motorcycle helmet, a sassy short style likely fit the bill for Sri Lanka. However, it has been a couple of months since my last cut, so I decided to brave a new hairdresser. With only two beauty salons in town and one being closed last evening, I went to the other salon. For the most part, Sri Lankan women all have long hair past their waist, so, I inquired of the stylist,
"Do you know how to cut short hair?"
"Yes, Madame."
"I'd like to book a cut after work tomorrow, say 4:30?"
"Yes Madame."
I looked good yesterday, just needing a bit of a trim. Actually, I looked good today. I looked like a woman until 4:30 today. Now, I look like a man. No, I look like a woman trying to look like a man. I could cry.
I took reasonable precautions to ensure satisfaction with the outcome of the cut. Anticipating a language barrier I took along a sketch of the projected style I wanted him to achieve. I explained carefully: no length off the back, just a trim about the ears and bangs.
Edward Scissorhands went straight to work. He bludgeoned my hair, annihilated my femininity and destroyed my pride. If I wasn't so mad at him, I might have found him comical.
He constantly chopped the scissors in the air while gyrating his hips. Pursing his mouth smugly, he gave himself airs. Then, pausing from scissoring at the air, he grandly centered me by a very firm press to my forehead, and, whipping his own head back, he dramatically reached for his water spray bottle. With a flourish - spritz, spritz, spritz and then pat, pat, pat, he patted my hair flat managing a full gender reversal. I am transgendered and not sure how the hospital is going to take having to call me "Sir" from now on.
I told him I looked like a boy. I told him he didn't listen to me. He blamed my hair for the massacre, "You don't have hair at your neck." I paid my Rs. 400 and left, donning my motorcycle helmet inside the salon. I felt ashamed.
I feel violated and naked. I may switch to the Muslim faith. Those head scarves suddenly appeal.
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