The Thoroughbred is down
Bill is sick. His health can generally be, a bit temperamental, from time to time. Oh, nothing serious, but he does seem to contract his share of cold or flu bugs. However, the other night, he had a nasty bought of loud vomiting that reverberated across the tiled bathroom. This was then followed by, well, you know, the other end. He was really sick. Now, he has fever, wheezes when he coughs or laughs and has a wicked cold. He had strict orders today from me as I left for work to not leave the house and to "lay low" so he could get better. For once, he listened. He was snuggled up under a blanket on the couch when his shorn sheep of a wife returned from 'his' hair appointment. This is a man who for 26 years on the bench, only took two sick days – one for an operation and one for a car accident. My man, he is a hardy horse.