Oh, the Incongruence
As you know, three Fridays ago, we were dodging bullets in our hotel lobby. Therefore, Ickcillint meaning absorbed new adjectives and verbs like: fear, disbelief and protective action. Violencia is alive and well in Mexico, as you can see from this photo from the Saturday morning headlines in the
newspaper. The man killed in front of our hotel was only one of five men killed in various sectors of Mazatlan on Friday.
However, the very next day (Saturday morning at 5 am) there was about a ten piece brass band, including tuba outside our hotel belting out Mexican Musica from the back of a pickup truck (click on video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0rdry7T0PY). Objectively, these two dramatically different scenarios display the best and worst of Mexico, the incongruence of the country.
Subjectively, I am wondering if these two stories carry a similarity. A brass band playing outside a hotel at five in the morning? I must say, it provoked some violencia in me. What about peace and quiet? What about a good night’s sleep? What about treating the tourista with kid gloves? What about noise bylaws?
I expected someone to tap the men on the shoulders and politely remind them that it was five in the morning. I expected someone to call 911. No, they played with gusto, uninterrupted and oblivious to the tourista's need for sleep. Musica, anywhere, anytime appears to be a Mexican right, as enshrined as the rights of religious freedom and freedom of speech. I began plotting to lobby for a noise bylaw. Good thing I am not El Presidente of Mexico; I surely would spoil what is good and rich and wonderful about Mexico. As Bill loves to say to taxi drivers, “Viva Mexico.”
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