
Showing posts from February, 2014

72 and 200?

What on earth could 72 and 200 have in common on February 23rd? Two things happened on February 23, 2014.  The first, is obvious - it is Bill's 72 Birthday! The 200, you say?  Well today was also Bill's 200th Dive. What a birthday present! The dive master, Fernando sang him Happy Birthday in Spanish and then hugged him at the end of his dive, congratulating him for his 200th dive and wishing him a long life. The water was rough, but manageable and the coral and fish were wonderful with excellent visibility.  Bill may be 72 but when he is diving, he is a young man. I dug out the Valentine Card I had brought with me to give him on Valentines Day, but could not, for the life of me find on Valentines Day.  However, I did find it and I simply crossed out the Valentine part and inserted the words Birthday.  The sentiments were all the same, so it was a good substitute. Tonight, I have made a curry and we met Mark and Diane from Seattle at the very beginning...

First Ickcillint Adventure of South America

Well, first blog on this new and already promising ickcillint adventure Currently, we are in Cartagena, Colombo, sweltering in the tiny Casa Iguana, a backpacker hostel room with tinier ants crawling all over the end of my bed. Despite the fan that is pressed to my face, it is sticky and hot.  We are enjoying a bit of a siesta before going out to celebrate with my lover, Bill Blair for Valentines Day.  We are going to try Cafe Havana for some dining and nightlife. We learned today that Cartagena, in the 1600's, was a major African Slave Market and evidence of this period remain as many black people are locals here, and have retained much of their African roots in their attire and music.  Saint Pedro Claver was a Jesuit missionary who spent his entire adult life trying to improve the conditions of the slaves in Cartagena. His remains can be see in the chapel built in his memory inside the church within the walled city. We had a couple of exciting incidents in Medelli...