Closing the Window

The window on Bill and Wendy's Ickcillint Adventure is closing. The blog was originally opened in 2009 as a place for me to diarize our VSO Adventure to Sri Lanka and provide a place for our friends and family to snoop in on us and see what we were up to in that strange land. Our Ickcillint adventure was to begin in 2010 in Sri Lanka. However, after renting our homes, quitting our jobs, and being grounded for one full year by the lack of a Sri Lankan work Visa, we ventured off to Mexico for seven weeks and then lived in a total of four places, couch surfing with relatives and renting when finally, it was clear we weren't leaving until 2011. We spent 2011 freezing in Nuwara Eliya and 2012 boiling in Jaffna. We are freezing again as 2013 brings us back to Canada. I have pinnned my husband to the wall like a dragon fly pinned alive to a cork board. He is kicking and screaming, but reconcilling that we will be staying put, in Canada, living our go...