
I need to clarify some thing with all of you. My blog is meant to inform and hopefully entertain, but it is not meant as a vehicle to instil guilt or provoke others to take responsibility for us. Since my last blog, we have been overwhelmed by people's responses: Joan and Jim offered us the Beaver house on their property; Kevin and Marguerite have offered us their condo at Sun Peaks. My sister has offered us to stay upstairs with them, Diane, has found us a basement suite to rent, Chris and Mary have offered us an opportunity to house sit for them while they are in Australia. Marlene and Bruce have offered us a room at their place, so has Ron. Possibly others have offered us lodging as well. My sister, Linda has cried about our plight and my dad shakes his head. Lisa yelled at us to stop the Sri Lanka process and look elsewhere for volunteer work. We so value our friends and family for their support. Thank you, thank you. But, just to set the record straight; we do have contro...